E-bike rental
From Monday to Saturday
Opening hours
From 9.00 to 19.00.
Plačilo varščine
Ob prevzemu e-kolesa je potrebno plačilo varščine v višini 100 €/kolo.
Varščina se vrne v celotnem znesku, v kolikor je e-kolo vrnjeno v prvotnem stanju in ob dogovorjenem času.
Cancellation of reservation*
Cancellation is possible up to four days before the start of the rental period. In case of late cancellation, the rent paid is retained by the owner.
*In case of a cancellation three days or less before the start of the rental period, a refund of the purchase price or rent is not possible.
Plačilo varščine
Ob prevzemu e-kolesa je potrebno plačilo varščine v višini 100 €/kolo.
Varščina se vrne v celotnem znesku, v kolikor je e-kolo vrnjeno v prvotnem stanju in ob dogovorjenem času.
Cancellation of reservation*
Cancellation is possible up to four days before the start of the rental period. In case of late cancellation, the rent paid is retained by the owner.
Pick-up e-bikes
You must pick up and return the e-bike at the same place: DOM PENINE, Jurkovičeva ulica 25, 9250 Gornja Radgona